10:00 am Sunday Worship Service

Guests are always welcome,  we would be delighted to have you worship with us.

The nature of this service follows the traditional Lutheran Liturgy and style, although to accommodate our shared organist, our sermon is at the end of the service. At times we have special music and a children’s message.

Please click on the YouTube icon below to go to our page and watch our previous or current livestreams.

Sunday School

Sunday school at Faith is at 9:00am. We currently have two classes, one for older kids/teens & one geared for young/elementary aged kids.


Pictured: Sebastian and Amelia Streng creating their Creation mobiles.

Grace Notes

Holy Communion

We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion twice a month and invite all baptized Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is their Risen Lord to commune at our table. Non-communing children may be brought forward for a blessing. White grape juice is available.

Want to know more about our Worship?